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Real Time Manufacturing is the intersection of textile craftsmanship and web based technology. Unlike the traditional retail model, in which items are produced in large bulk many months ahead of time and shipped to retail shelves, Real Time Manufacturing gives the end consumer the power to select a product before it is manufactured. This means a consumer has exponentially more choice in design, color and style of product than would ever be feasible in a retail business model. Because products are made per consumer order, vast amounts of waste are eliminated, thereby allowing for very competitive product costing. This ensures Catalyst made products are globally competitive while being proudly manufactured in the USA. This is made possible by coupling the latest in production technologies with an automated work flow system that instantly moves order data through the manufacturing process. This same system then provides quick and accurate shipment of a product to the consumer’s home or business. The process also takes production times from weeks or months down to days or even hours, giving the end user quick receipt of the product they have selected. The ultimate power of Real Time Manufacturing is that it brings the benefits of better selection and ease of purchase to the end consumer.
Catalyst offers a full line of jacquard and dobby woven fabrics for the bedding, home furnishing and contract markets. Updated seasonally, our fabric collections are professionally designed with the latest trends. Catalyst is a tier one distributor for our mill partner, so we are pleased to offer these beautiful fabrics at extremely competitive prices.
If the hundreds of options do not fit your vision, custom weaving is available.
We are proud to provide ideal solutions for specific markets, including:
The use of jacquard woven fabrics, as accessorizing and foundation materials, is a rapidly growing trend in the bedding market. Let Catalyst help make your bedding line a show stopper, while at the same time offering substantial savings in your production costs.
In addition to fabric supply, Catalyst has vertical cut and sew capabilities allowing for the domestic manufacturing of a variety of accessory products including a wide array of decorative pillows.
CONTRACT/HOSPITALITY: Catalyst can save your Hospitality project thousands. Our years of industry experience will ensure these upholstery and accessory fabrics meet all required specifications and standards for your project
SPECIALTY FINISHES: Catalyst has a robust list of finishes that can be applied to any of the fabrics we bring to market. From FR to stain repellency, we have you covered. For a full listing please see our Finishing Solutions or contact us @ 770-928-2229.
Catalyst has a stock line of 100% polyester fabrics that are some of the best print substrates available in the industry. We have searched the world to find the best printable fabrics at terrific prices.